Recognize the Types of Hidradenitis Suppurativa Boils, Symptoms and Causes

 The skin is the largest part of the human body - The skin has a function to cover all the internal organs in humans so that it looks attractive. This is what causes humans to be worried and panic when the skin has problems with disease or the appearance of problems with their skin. Why not, problems that arise on the skin will of course reduce a person's self-confidence and feel reluctant to appear beautiful and open like most people. As a result, people who experience problems with their skin will tend to be insecure and cover their entire body so that they are not visible.

Even though deep down, seeing other people in beautiful dresses with open arms or exposed legs, is certainly a temptation that makes them want to do the same thing. But what is the power when the problem starts attacking the outer parts of their body, then inevitably they will forcefully close it.

Smooth skin is a dream for everyone, including men. Beautiful and smooth-looking skin is generally a parameter of how well a person is able to take good care of their health and beauty. Unlike those who have problems with their skin, people with this problem often create a stigma in society that they are not able to keep their bodies clean so that problems can appear on their skin. This stigma of course discriminates against some people who do not feel that the statement is completely true.

This is not the case, because not all types of skin diseases that attack a person are part of a person's inability to maintain a clean body. However, it cannot be denied that most of the causes of skin diseases are caused by germs and bacteria that enter the body. As we have understood that germs and bacteria will prefer to breed in areas that are not kept clean.

For this reason, it is not surprising that many people will do everything they can to find a solution so that their skin can return to smooth and look good to the eye. Various ways and efforts were made to get the type of skin that you have dreamed of. Starting from doing home care in a simple way to consulting a beauty doctor and spending a lot of money to get the desired skin.

Yes, besides functioning as a reflection of a clean body and being used to beautify oneself. The skin also has a big enough role for the body. One of them is that the skin plays a role in regulating normal body temperature.

Thus, when you travel to a place with a different temperature, your skin will try to adjust its body temperature so that you will slowly be able to adjust to the temperature around you. Imagine if your body was skinless, let alone adjusting your body to your temperature, your appearance might not look as normal as it is today.

For this reason, it is very important to care for and maintain a clean and healthy body, especially your skin. Cleanliness and well-maintained health will be able to prevent all kinds of diseases from attacking you. Because as we understand that skin diseases that arise often make you feel uncomfortable and feel less confident.

Well, of the many skin diseases that often arise, you may be familiar with boils. This disease often occurs in unexpected parts of the body. But actually, boils will only attack certain parts of the skin, namely the part of the skin that is covered with hair or hair. To find out more about what boils are like, let's first discuss what boils are.

Recognize the Types of Hidradenitis Suppurativa Boils, Symptoms and Causes

Knowing boils

Boils are skin diseases that arise because of the red bumps that occur on the skin. When these lumps arise, the sufferer will feel a throbbing pain. This lump will continue to get bigger and inside there is pus in the lump. The appearance of these bumps is caused by the presence of bacteria that trigger inflammation in the hair follicles, namely the holes where the hair or hair on the skin grows.

As already mentioned above, boils only attack the areas where hair is grown, such as the armpits, buttocks, neck, arms or other areas such as the thighs. This is because in that section there is often friction and sweat that makes the area easily moist and bacteria easily reproduce.

Boils can also grow on the eyelids where there are lashes, this condition is often referred to as a stye. This is also what makes boils never attack in parts where there is no hair or hair, such as the palms of the hands or on the soles of the feet.

In boils sufferers, the sufferer will begin to feel many symptoms where these symptoms will generally cause disturbing feelings for the sufferer. In the early stages of symptoms, the size of the boil will generally look small and then this size will get bigger. This process will still continue, to identify the process of boils, let's look at them below.

Stages of the process of occurrence of boils

After a reddish color appears on the skin, a pimple-like lump will appear on the hand. Where in that section you will see a red, inflamed rash.

Furthermore, the skin around the lump will turn red, swell and also feel warm when you touch the area. This condition usually indicates that the infection has spread to the skin and around it.In the next stage the lump will start to enlarge and you can see pus slowly starting to surround the lump.

In turn, almost ripe, you will see a white dot in the middle of the lump and peaking into an eye boil. When ruptured, the boil will discharge in the form of pus. Well, at this point, you should immediately wipe and handle the pus that comes out so that it doesn't spread to other parts of the skin. The pus that comes out of the boil contains a collection of germs and bacteria that cause ulcers. If it spreads to other parts of the body, the bacteria can infect and it is not impossible that new boils will grow in that section.

The condition of boils as above will actually heal by itself without having to get significant medical help. However, you should consult the condition if the boil you are suffering from begins to show some of the symptoms as below:

Causes fever.

It continues to grow (over 5 cm in diameter) and feels very painful. It grows inside the nose, on the face, or on the spine. Having problems with the immune system or in medications that interfere with the immune system and develop ulcers.

Didn't heal for more than 14 days.

Relapse frequently.Grow more than one fruit in the same location. This type is known as a coir or carbuncle boil, and it is a more serious infection. In boils that cause this condition to occur is a bacterial infection with the type of Staphylococcus aureus. This type of bacteria is actually often found on human skin, and can even be found on the inside of the human nose.

However, in this section, this type of bacteria is not able to trigger any type of infection. Infection can only occur if this type of bacteria enters the hair follicle through a wound or during an open wound such as an insect bite, where the pores become enlarged and bacteria and germs can easily enter and infect the area.

Types of boils to watch out for

So far, you may only know that boils are a type that appears on the skin and the cause is triggered by the same type of bacteria. However, in the medical world, the types of boils seem to vary and you may have experienced some of them. However, the type of lump that appears you may recognize it as another lump. However, medically, the lump appears as part of the boil. Now, to find out what types of lumps may appear. Let's look at a few things below.

Hidradenitis Suppurativa ulcers

This type of boil is the most common boil and its appearance is generally found in the folds of the body such as the armpits or groin. This type of boil is one of the most painful boils so that people who experience this type of boil are no wonder they will tend to


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