What are boils, causes, symptoms and treatment

What are boils, causes, symptoms and treatment

What are boils, causes, symptoms and treatment

Having healthy, smooth and clean skin is certainly a dream for anyone, including men. Why not, beautiful skin is often an indication of how someone maintains good hygiene and body health. Not infrequently from the skin, someone describes the beauty and cleanliness of a person. Especially at this time, smooth white skin is often a parameter of the beauty of a person's body.

Thus, it is not surprising that there are many people who are competing to beautify and beautify the appearance of their bodies, especially their skin to make it look smooth and radiant. Starting from doing simple treatments at home, providing many beauty products that are claimed to be able to beautify the skin to performing surgeries or injections on the body so that they can only get smooth and beautiful skin.

In addition, there is often a lot of stigmas attached to society, especially the Indonesian people, that skin disorders and diseases that attack a person are a sign that the person is not skilled or not careful in maintaining his / her health and cleanliness so that health problems come, especially skin health problems.

Well, if you have seen and experienced really how a person assesses people with skin diseases. You may feel reluctant and made insecure when skin problems strike you suddenly. Even though the stigma that states skin health often comes from the sufferer who is not good at maintaining his health, it is true. However, not all types of skin problems or health problems occur due to these conditions.

However, it is still undeniable that a healthy and clean body will make germs and bacteria that cause disease reluctant to linger in the body for a long time. For this reason, caring for and maintaining a healthy body will be important homework for you to avoid various health problems that will bother you.

Moreover, the problem of skin health disorders, where this condition generally will make the aesthetics of the body more reduced. Yes, the emergence of skin problems in the body will certainly make the sufferer reluctant to open and expose parts of his body that are usually open.

This is because in most cases, skin health problems generally show disturbing signs and symptoms such as red rashes, the appearance of spots and spots and even in certain cases, pus often accompanies the disorder.

For this reason, health problems on the skin are important things that must get help immediately. Because if not bacteria or microorganisms that infect that part of the skin will spread and infect other healthy parts. So that the skin disease experienced will get bigger and turn out to be more severe.

In addition, the effects of skin disorders often cause the sufferer to experience uncomfortable and disturbing conditions. This condition can actually be used as an excuse for you to immediately consult your doctor about your condition. So that the worst possibility of this condition can be prevented and overcome more quickly. As with one type of skin health problem, namely boils.

You may be familiar with one of the disorders such as boils. Yes, the skin disorders that arise due to the presence of these bumps are often a case that is often found in most people. This disease is only a small follicle on the skin, but the pain it causes often makes people unable to stand it.

Although this disease is a disease that is well known in the community. However, there are still some people who are still confused and have not properly handled the ulcers they are experiencing.

There are those who have tried to use boil ointments that are widely sold in pharmacies or drug stores, there are some who choose to treat this painful lump condition by using herbal ingredients, namely by applying various kinds of leaves and so on. There are many ways to get rid of boils which are very, very uncomfortable felt by the sufferer, starting from throbbing pain, fever and even making them unable to carry out their normal activities.

Now, before discussing further how to handle boils properly, first let us equate our perception of the many boils that are experienced so that the treatment of this disease will be appropriate if you follow the methods of treatment which we will present below.

What Are Boils?

Boils are skin health problems that arise due to lumps that grow inside the skin. This lump can cause several uncomfortable conditions such as a throbbing, reddish, pus-filled feeling of pain as a result of a bacterial infection that affects it. Some of these bacteria will enter the skin through the pores which then infect the hair roots (hair follicles).

As for the initial symptom of this condition is a reddish skin color, then a pimple-like lump appears but in a larger size, it causes a feeling of pain and the greater the feeling of pain it causes will get worse, filled with pus and in turn the boil is ripe, the pus will be broke out by itself and flowed.

What Causes Boils?

As mentioned above, this condition is caused by an infection caused by bacteria that enter the skin and infect the hair follicles. And most of the causes of boils that appear on the skin are caused by a type of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria. Please note that this type of bacteria is a bacteria commonly found on the skin and inside the nose.

Sometimes boils can easily appear on areas of skin that have been damaged due to minor injuries or insect bites where the wound is still open. This condition makes it easier for bacteria to enter the skin and infect the area so that ulcers will likely appear.

What are the signs and symptoms of boils?

Boils can grow anywhere on the skin on the body. However, only the skin that is covered with hair and hair can potentially get boils. Therefore, boils have never been found on the palms of the hands, feet, lips, tongue and other parts. However, it more often grows in the armpits, head, neck, hands, face and thighs which often sweat and tend to be at risk of friction.

Bacteria that enter the skin will be easier to enter if the sufferer is not careful in keeping his body clean and often leaves areas that are prone to friction are damp and airtight.

For this reason, you should always try to maintain body hygiene, especially ensuring that parts such as thighs and folds of the body are always dry so that bacteria and germs cannot multiply and infect the skin easily.

Characteristics of skin affected by boils and their stages

When boils will appear, generally there will always be things that indicate or characterize this condition starting to attack. Generally, some of the signs that are more often faced are red discoloration of the body parts and the appearance of a pimple-like lump with a painful, throbbing, and enlarging condition gradually.

Well, this condition is what you should be aware of before the boil enlarges and spreads. It is better if you consult this condition to a doctor before the boil you experience becomes more severe or spreads. However, apart from some of the characteristics above, here are some signs of skin affected by boils and their stages.

A lump on the skin that is usually the size of a pea seed is reddish and feels sore/painful. The skin around the lump begins to swell and the reddish color appears slowly.

Boils will get bigger and bigger each day to the size of a chicken egg, and pus forms inside that look white or greenish. In addition, in turn, an eye-like point will appear on the lump and the center of the boil.

The tip of the boil will become whitish or yellowish (visible pus inside) which in the end this condition will break and the pus will flow out.

Apart from some of the signs above, some other signs that may accompany boils are fever, fatigue, and body aches. Swelling can occur in nearby tissues and involved lymph nodes, especially lymph nodes in the neck, armpit, or groin area.

The above conditions will probably cause a feeling of discomfort, a disturbance that is very, very excruciating. Even in some people, you may not be able to carry out your routine as usual. Thus, do not be surprised if some sufferers who are affected by boils will find it difficult to endure the feeling of pain caused by the boils that are felt. (Also read: Islamic Boy Names)

Myths On Ulcers

There are many myths that spread in a society that states that consumption of eggs can cause ulcers. This also often makes some people feel reluctant and confused when consuming eggs. Especially for people who have previously experienced ulcers. This condition often makes them reluctant to consume eggs. So is it true?

As explained above, boils occur in the folds of the body as well as in the armpits or groin creases. But it can also occur on other parts of the skin surface where hair or hair is overgrown, such as the face, neck or buttocks.

This boil disease can occur due to unclean food or drink because it contains bacteria that can cause boils to grow. However, consuming eggs and staying can cause ulcers is a myth. Boils that grow in the body are not and are not caused by the consumption of eaten eggs. However, the cause is bacteria that enter the skin through the pores or it can also be caused by other bacteria or fungi.


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