What Are Calluses, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

Calluses are a skin disorder that most of you may be familiar with this term. Yes, this thickening of the skin is one of the most common disorders. Most adults claim to have experienced calluses. Generally, this condition will often occur and attack in people who often do menial work or in someone who often wears shoes for a long time and repeatedly. This condition can make the skin not get good air circulation as a result, dead skin accumulates in one part of the skin and eventually causes a thickening of the skin.

Callused skin often causes uncomfortable feelings, sufferers who experience calluses will generally feel numbness in the calluses. Not only that, the thickening that occurs in the skin will generally darken the skin area. As a result, this part looks less attractive and even for some people this appearance often makes them not confident about their calluses.

For this reason, in addition to being annoying, calluses that attack the skin will possibly eliminate the aesthetics of a person's skin beauty. Especially if it happens to women, which in fact they always want to look attractive and look beautiful, this will be a nightmare. Not to mention for most people, flawless skin is their dream and dream so that they can get the title of beautiful and charming.

It is inconceivable when you have obtained the beautiful skin that you desire with various ways that have been done, but because of the habit of wearing shoes every day for a long time, eventually your smooth skin must be damaged by the appearance of calluses which will be very annoying.

Well, if you have this, you might regret wearing shoes all the time. But whatever the power if looking attractive and formal is the demand of your job, maybe you will be even more confused by this.

Responding to things like the above, then maybe one of the best ways that can be done is to prevent the calluses before they attack you. In addition, prevention will certainly be the best solution to avoid all kinds of disease threats that might attack you.

Although most people understand that one of the factors that can increase the risk of calluses is excessive use of shoes. However, there are actually quite a number of things that trigger this condition to happen to a person.

Now, to find out more about what calluses look like, what causes them and how to deal with them. First, we will discuss more deeply in the explanation below.

What Are Calluses, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

What is Kalapan?

Calluses or what is known scientifically as Callvus is a skin condition that generally affects certain parts of the human skin, such as the feet, heels or fingers. When a person experiences this condition, then usually they will experience uncomfortable conditions even in turn this will cause pain when the sufferer is doing activities.

Calluses are actually part of the body's natural reaction to protect certain parts of the skin. When described, calluses are thickening or crusting of the skin due to excessive pressure or friction on the part of the skin in question. Generally, skin that experiences calluses will turn yellowish or even over time this condition will make the skin black.

Calluses or thickening of the skin will make that part of the skin less sensitive to stimuli. Calluses generally often attack certain parts of the body such as the soles of the feet. This is because when we walk, our feet are the part that supports all of our body's burdens.

The choice of shoe size and type generally will greatly affect the risk of calluses experienced. Choosing the wrong model or type of shoe will make you experience calluses more easily, especially if these shoes are used frequently.

However, it is not just the soles of the feet, other parts of the body that are prone to calluses are the palms of the hands. Thickening of the skin that attacks the hands is generally more common in guitar players, racket holders, hitters, manual laborers, drummers and so on. This is because the intensity of friction and pressure on some people who have the above work will make their skin slowly thicken and harden as the body protects the skin.

What Are the Symptoms of Calluses?

Human skin generally feels soft and quite elastic, especially when you touch a baby's skin. The smooth and soft feeling will make the baby's skin still so susceptible to something rough because it will make the skin easily injured. However, over time, human skin will thicken and strengthen. However, this thickness is still in a normal and reasonable stage.

However, if someone often does a lot of physical work, such as his hands and feet while working. Then their body will do its defense by protecting the skin in question so that it is not easily injured. One way is to harden and thicken the skin. That is why people who have manual jobs will slowly start to harden their skin and develop an older pigment on the skin of their hands or feet.

Before changing to the total condition, these calluses generally come with features or signs that most of the sufferer can feel. So, to find out what are the symptoms in calluses sufferers, let's look at them below. The skin turns dry or cracked.

Pain or soreness when touched on the underside of the skin. There are parts of the skin that feel rough and thickened. The appearance of hardened lumps on the skin.

Calluses rarely cause pain or can vary in size and shape. In people with calluses, the characteristics and signs of calluses are generally the same so that this condition is generally not dangerous. However, for patients who have diabetes or have poor blood circulation, these calluses should not be underestimated or underestimated.

Consult this condition with your doctor before you decide to treat your calluses yourself. For patients with a history of the above diseases, even a small injury that attacks the arm or leg can cause an infection which is feared this condition will worsen and cause bigger problems. For that, you should immediately consult your calluses if the calluses you feel start to cause pain or inflammation that is unbearable.

So What Causes Calluses?

As mentioned above, one of the factors that trigger calluses is caused by the pressure or friction periodically in certain parts of the skin on the body. However, apart from the above, it seems that some of these triggers can increase the risk of developing calluses.

Calluses can appear when the body's weight puts too much pressure on one area of ​​the skin. Skin that is subjected to excessive pressure will experience thickening. This is done by the body to protect the underlying tissue. This condition will generally occur on the soles of the feet and the palms of the hands. This natural reaction of the body will cause calluses to appear on a person.


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