Chapter Bleeding, Causes, Symptoms and Treatment # 2


Timbulnya darah pada saat buang air besar tentu akan membuat siapa saja takut dan panik BAB Berdarah, Penyebab, Gejala dan Penanganan #2
Types of diseases that can cause blood during defecation, symptoms, and treatment

Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is a type of cancer that attacks and appears in the vicinity of the intestinal tract at the end of the digestive tract. Usually, cancer in this area appears as part of small tissue growths such as polyps. However, symptoms do not often cause sufferers to be unaware of this condition.

The small tissue will increase to become bigger and more virulent and grow into cancer cells. Detection of intestinal health is a solution so that sufferers don't get this terrible cancer condition.

For this reason, it is very important to have a medical check-up with a doctor or do a consultation if something happens to your body. So that all kinds of diseases and health problems will be detected earlier.

Colon Cancer Symptoms

There are quite a number of symptoms that will appear in some patients who have colon cancer. The importance of detecting these symptoms will prevent the sufferer from growing cancer cells that spread to all parts of the body. So, to find out some of the symptoms of colon cancer, let's look at them below.
  • The presence of bleeding in the anus or found in feces (feces)
  • The onset of cramps, pain and frequent passing of gas
  • Lack of weakness and fatigue during activities.
  • Drastic weight loss and poor appetite.
  • The habit of defecating changes with different levels of density, namely diarrhea or constipation.
Some of these symptoms are symptoms that will have sufficient contrast to be felt. Colon cancer is a dangerous condition. Thus, when you feel the symptoms above, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Causes of Colon Cancer

The origin of the cause of colon cancer is never known with certainty, even when a medical examination is carried out. However, cancer grows as a result of damage to healthy cells. Some of the causes that may be experienced include:

Damage to cells that will then divide and continue to cause damage to the intestinal tissue and surrounding areas. Cancer cells can grow to other parts of the body and continue to damage healthy cells. Thus, colon cancer is not impossible to cause other health problems. The existence of a gene mutation that is acquired from heredity in the gene family The growth of small polyps in the large intestine can appear in the inner intestine or on the intestinal wall.

Given that cell damage is generally not known, either by the symptoms that are felt or at the stage of medical examination. For this reason, it's best when you start to feel other symptoms of polyps and other diseases, then you should immediately consult this condition to a doctor before cancer cells spread to parts of the body which will damage other healthy cells.

Colon Cancer Treatment

Treatment for colon cancer will generally be carried out based on the stage of the cancer that has been experienced. However, for medical action, several of these steps will be carried out:

1. Operation

The operation can be carried out according to the stage of the cancer experienced by the sufferer. If the tissue is still in the form of small polyps, the operation that will be carried out is surgery using the colonoscopy method. Meanwhile, if the network is large and involves the surrounding area, laparoscopy can be done. This surgery method will depend on the type of cancer stage.

2. Chemotherapy

The chemotherapy stage is carried out by giving hard drugs to destroy cancer cells that are still spreading in the body after surgery. At this stage it is usually done when the cancer has already spread to the lymph nodes. Chemotherapy can also be done to reduce the size of an enlarged cancer before further surgery.

3. Radiotherapy

This stage of medical action is carried out by utilizing X-rays whose function is to destroy all remaining cancer cells in the body. This therapy will usually be done together with the chemotherapy process.

Some of these cancer treatment measures will be carried out by the medical team. Thus only a skilled doctor will perform this method.

How to Prevent Colon Cancer

Early detection of colon cancer will be able to prevent malignant cancer, because usually patients at an early stage will not show symptoms. However, early detection is highly recommended for people who have a family history of colon cancer.
  • Do light exercise every day for at least 15 minutes, because exercise will cause the body's muscles to be active and reduce the risk of cancer.
  • Drink less alcohol. This is because alcohol has a very bad effect on health.
  • Consumption of various types of healthy foods is an important thing that will be done. For this reason, you should choose the consumption of healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables. Especially fruits and vegetables with high antioxidant content which will kill cancer cells.
  • Control your weight so as not to overdo it, because a healthy diet will make the body active and have a good metabolic system.

2. Gastritis

Gastritis is a condition caused by too high levels of stomach acid in the lining of the stomach. Inflammation that occurs due to this disease can be caused due to infection from certain bacteria which can cause ulcer disease that occurs in the body. However, this disorder condition can also be caused by bad living habits carried out by the sufferer.

Causes of Gastritis

In addition to the factors that cause an unhealthy lifestyle, there are also several other factors that cause gastritis to attack a person, including:

The existence of stress that can cause a very high pressure of stomach acid production. The stress condition that occurs can be influenced by several factors, one of which is too high pressure. Thus, you should avoid stressful conditions that will lead to increased stomach acid.

Gastritis Symptoms

This one disease certainly does not appear or arise suddenly without any features that lead to this symptom. Unfortunately, the delay in diagnosing this disease is more often caused by the sufferer who feels reluctant to consult his doctor about his health. Some of the symptoms of gastritis include: The onset of bleeding in the stool and make the color of the stool darker than in normal conditions
  • The existence of digestive disorders that are difficult to deal with such as nausea, vomiting and difficulty being able to eat with an appetite under normal conditions.
  • The body becomes weak, has pain and chills
  • The emergence of a strong pain in the digestive part starting from the stomach until sometimes it penetrates the spine.
Some of the above symptoms may cause uncomfortable feelings for you. You will certainly feel this feeling. Thus, it is hoped that when the above symptoms begin to feel, you should immediately consult your doctor for immediate treatment so that the bad possibility of this disease can be avoided.

How to Overcome Gastritis

Gastritis or health problems due to increased stomach acid can cause uncomfortable health conditions. In addition, when this condition strikes, the sufferer may not be able to carry out his daily activities and routine properly as under normal conditions.

For this reason, it is very important to know how to deal with gastritis when this condition strikes. Check out some of the things below to find out how to treat gastritis.
  • Protect the body from Helicobacter pylori bacterial infection by maintaining the cleanliness of food, the environment and also diligently washing hands before eating, after eating, and after activities.
  • Begin to eat neutral foods in small amounts and do it as often as possible.
  • Avoid eating foods that can irritate the stomach, such as acidic foods and spicy foods.
  • Avoid consuming alcoholic beverages and smoking habits. Because these two habits will be able to increase the production of stomach acid which can worsen the condition of gastritis that occurs.
  • Avoid all kinds of sources that will stress the body. Instead, try to be more relaxed and calm when you start feeling stress

3. Proctitis

Proctitis is a disease that occurs due to inflammation that attacks the lining of the rectum. The rectum is a part that is shaped like a tube that contains a collection of muscles that connects the lower colon to the anus. Where this section is where the stool comes out of the anus which will pass through the rectum.

Inflammation in the rectum will certainly cause problems during bowel movements. So that the discharge of blood due to too strong a push in this part becomes difficult to avoid.

Symptoms of Proctitis

As with other diseases, the condition of proctitis also comes or presents with features and symptoms before the disease progresses and grows into a more dangerous disease.

Now, by knowing the early symptoms of proctitis, it is hoped that the sufferer can quickly consult the doctor about his condition so that the worst possibility of this disease can be avoided. Some of the symptoms of proctitis include:
  • Pain when after eating or before eating.
  • Thick, watery mucus from the anus.
  • Bleeding in the rectum is often found with stool.
  • The desire to defecate continuously even though it is not supposed to have a bowel movement.
  • Pain in the rectum
  • Pain and pressure on the left side of the stomach.
  • Continuous diarrhea

Proctitis Treatment

This digestive disease can be treated according to the symptoms and causes experienced by the sufferer of this condition. Any type of inflammation that causes proctitis can be treated with antibiotics. However, the right dose must be given by a doctor so that the benefits of the drug can run more optimally in this disease.

However, for proctitis caused by radiotherapy, this condition does not require medical treatment because this is only part of the therapeutic effect.

How to Prevent Proctitis

Proctitis can occur in people who have the habit of having sex through anal sex (from the anus). So, to prevent and avoid this condition, you need to change your bad habits for a better lifestyle. Meanwhile, for proctitis that occurs as a result of radiotherapy, this condition will recover on its own.

4. Intestinal Ischemic

This condition is a disease that occurs when the intestines don't get enough blood flow because of a blockage in the arteries. This disease will affect the function of the large intestine and small intestine.

In addition, this disease condition can become very serious if you don't get the right treatment right away. In other words, a person suffering from this disease cannot just ignore this condition. Even late treatment of this condition can cause the intestines to not get blood supply and can cause sudden death in the sufferer.

Symptoms of Intestinal Ischemia

Some of the symptoms that may appear in sufferers who experience intestinal ischemia include:
  • Fever and chills for no reason.
  • Want to defecate within a certain time and cannot be delayed.
  • There has been unexplained weight loss.
  • Abdominal pain and pressure that is difficult to deal with.
  • There is blood in the stool
  • Indigestion such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
  • Often feel you have a strong bowel movement and feel more painful.
  • Often feels cramps or pain after eating.
  • Continuous flatulence.

Causes of Intestinal Ischemia

  • The presence of high cholesterol deposits
  • Use of illegal drugs
  • Strenuous exercise such as long distance running
  • Lupus disease, anemia and blood clots.
Those are some types of diseases that allow bloody bowel movements to occur. Seeing a doctor is an important thing that can be done to detect health conditions with certainty so that treatment can be done immediately.


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